-118m Record de France No Limit
Précédent Record : Jacques Mayol : –105m
Profondeur : -118m
Discipline : No Limit
Date : December 6, 1998
Lieu : Middle of the Rade
Météo : Good weather
Gueuse : Oceane (bottom feet) modified by Loïc with 2 boards (which screaming Claude)
Dispositif de sécurité : 6 divers to 35, 50 and 70 m and micro leakage, double inflation hose
Équipe : Mathilde, Yoram, Olivie, Joseph, Claude, Marco, Duduche, Laurent Trougnou, Franck Tessier, Christophe Nunzy, Joseph, Valérie Dubois dite Val 2, Pierrot, Val with stopwatch
Température eau : 14°C! One of the deepest diving in the world by this temperature
Sponsor : Beal, Submarine
Anecdotes :
Every time we put the cable to the water said Loïc seeing the mark of hundred meters "the first time I passed that limit ....". So every time then we went down the rope we stopped at 100m for Loïc tell us the chorus.
Loïc said that day: "Good! jellyfish, waves, wind, cold, the engines running to keep the boats because we have not anchored. In short, all the conditions were met for the descent goes well. Nevertheless I'm on the top! My motivation is so strong that it should have cut the rope to prevent me from going. And I like the atmosphere of "not finished". Besides, my friends and me nicknamed us "vagabond of the rade" how to do things well with "2 francs 50". When you know you consider us one of the best organized groups, what it must be in the other! Good! My impressions? Really, we had a good laugh, I pass on the banalities of the dive itself and besides I prefer to keep to myself these subtle emotions. It's necessary that I keep some little secrets before any other group double me in training! And you know what I told myself typing the disc at the bottom? More time you spend underwater least one passes to the surface ... "