-75m record de France Poids variable
Précédent Record : Yoram Zékri à – 70m
Profondeur : -75m
Discipline : variable weight
Date : 1996 November
Lieu : Rade of Villefranche-sur-Mer off the tip of Gavinette
Météo : Quiet and sunny
Gueuse : Sharkan
Dispositif de sécurité : 2 divers, Claude and Olive
Équipe : Pierre, Yoram, Olivier, Duduche, Mathilde, Jean-Marc dit Minitoc, Marco, Franck Tessier, Joseph, Claude.....
Échauffement : 2 runs to warm up to 40m
Température eau : 18°c
Sponsor : Submarine like all freedivers the NUC (Nice University Club)
Anecdotes :
Loïc was still spent more than three months to organize the first World Championship in 1996 with Claude and Olivier.
In water as safety freedivers, there Yoram Zékri Loïc just beat 5m. This record will resume carrying the 80m bar. There also will beat Pierre Frolla Yoram his turn putting the 82m bar. Val to stopwatch in front of Novamarine.