Claude Chapuis Coach freediver and scuba diver safety
"The team, the group that is both happiness and hell
It's hell when you are forced to wait in the morning on the port that has punctured "the chain of his bicycle" dresses
It's hell when there is one who tries to do yoga while others install the gear
It's hell when there is an out of the water, saying gently but still very strong the "dive" he did, just because there is a group for listen. But ultimately I have not much to say about the dark side of the group
It's happiness when we go in the morning on the natural "rade" all set to go for a swim
It's happiness when we pull up to 5 or 6 time a 100kg anchor to depth of 180m and we do it 40 times in the winter.
It's happiness when going to turn his time to scoop the barge or the Nova because they take a bit of water, rather than doing yoga
It's happiness to see the winter with our stupid 3mm to make perf in water at 14 °C that there are more frozen than oneself
It's happiness when we see arriving on site a sea of jellyfish and we know that we need both to secu and avoid "biting mauve"
The group is simply to see that in a shitty situation, the group helps each to bear its problems
That's why we all have progressed Freediving, beginners or champions, from 11 to 171m. And over the obstacles overcome I would say he was born a kind of thing that I will call friendship"
Delphine Marleux free diver scuba diver safety
"The team concept has always been inherent to Loïc record projects. The team around Loïc was never one function to handle the heavy equipment necessary device in No-Limit and ensure safety. It was a guide to physical and mental, social connection but also taking making. Loïc always listened group decisions when to cancel an output due to weather or too small team or when to reduce the depth of the project record. On the other side also always Loïc participated in the evolution of its safety device and that of the group.
So we can say that Loïc and his team made One. For the fun aspect, we could say that Loïc had often require tinkering before diving or borrow a pair of gloves, a belt or a nose clip to someone. Then the team was really necessary for him!
And in return, Loïc was essential for the team to laughing out loud!"
Apnea is an activity to share or doesn't exist....